⭐️ the best of marketing last week
happy monday the 25th!
this is what we've got for you this week:
top 5 articles
🚀 why you should take LinkedIn marketing more seriously
📈 the ROI of accessibility in SEO
💥 tactical ways AI can make marketers more efficient
🔎 how to uncover hidden SEO opportunities via Reddit
top 5 apps
⚡ index your pages faster + rank for keywords quicker
🧰 the one-page CRM for everything
🔧 automated + custom content at scale
🚨 generate seamless video experiences in minutes
✨ the free email subject line enhancer
top video
how Modelo became the #1 beer in America: click here
hope you found value in this newsletter 😊 how can we make it better?
thanks & have a great week ✌️