⭐️ the best of marketing last week
happy monday the 26th!
this is what we've got for you this week:
top 5 articles
🔥 Facebook ads: 5 expert tips for maximum impact
💎 the 2023 product-market fit report
🚨 how to launch the ultimate content strategy: 4 simple steps
🚀 5 ways to boost your web strategy w/ push notifications
🔑 how to turn PR into a consitent, organic traffic source
top 5 apps
🎁 find the perfect influencer for your campaign
⚡️ boost your web performance + SEO/conversions
📈 test your ads with focus groups for maximum reach
💭 run marketing campaigns, close leads & support customers via WhatsApp
🪄 take your Twitter publishing experience to the next level
top video
how to generate leads on demand using the "faucet funnel": click here
hope you found value in this newsletter 😊 how can we make it better?
thanks & have a great week ✌️