⭐️ the best of marketing last week
happy monday the 14th!
this is what we've got for you this week:
top 5 articles
💸 how to reduce Google Ads lead costs by 70%+
🎯 why bundling products (can) hurt your sales
🪄 the 21 most common web design mistakes
🔥 the state of spam in 2023 [report]
🚀 10 small tweaks that can make a big impact on conversions
top 5 apps
💥 create multiple ad campaigns in minutes, not hours
📌 a new way to find the right target keywords
⚡ a report builder for people who hate building reports
🏆 real feedback, from real users, in record time
📈 make your videos interactive + get more leads
top video
save time + enhance content creation with the power of “AIO”: click here
hope you found value in this newsletter 😊 how can we make it better?
thanks & have a great week ✌️