⭐️ the best of marketing last week
happy monday the 20th!
this is what we've got for you this week:
top 5 articles
🔥 how to leverage a marketing funnel for higher conversions
📌 small business marketing: 6 proven strategies
🪄 how to keep users on your webpages (and scrolling!)
📈 what this company did to grow activation by 20%
🎯 how to properly construct a multilingual website
top 5 apps
🔎 find TikTok influencers in real-time
⚡ create any visual asset you want with 40+ AI models
🧰 enhance your marketing via no-code automation
🚨 the better way to create presentations
🔑 find + engage with potential customers automatically on Reddit
top video
the marketing tactics this insurance agency uses to stand out: click here
hope you found something useful in this newsletter 💎 if this was forwarded to you, don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss next Monday’s edition.
this edition took approximately 11 hours to curate ⏱ if you value the time saved, it would be awesome if you considered supporting the newsletter!
thanks! ✌🏻