⭐️ the best of marketing last week
happy monday the 18th!
this is what we've got for you this week:
top 5 articles
📌 how to 10X your SEO strategy in 2024
🎥 5 strategies to dominate your competition w/ Reels
⚠️ how a rebrand can kill your sales (+ what to do instead)
📈 fix web form validation errors for better UX & conversions
🚀 why (& how) you should republish old content for easy marketing wins
top 5 apps
🔥 launch your very own referral program
🪄 repurpose your videos for social media automatically
🎯 view the stats for any YouTube channel
📩 find anyone's email address in seconds
✨ monitor your competitors at scale
top video
generate leads on repeat using X (Twitter) auto DMs: click here
hope you found value in this newsletter 😊 how can we make it better?
thanks & have a great week ✌️