⭐️ the best of marketing last week
happy monday the 29th!
this is what we've got for you this week:
top 5 articles
🚀 how an overlooked SEO tactic boosted traffic by 30%+
💥 the definitive guide to marketing attribution
🎯 6 ways to make your TikTok ads ultra-targeted
💸 how to gauge a customers "willingness to pay"
📈 the rise & fall of Linktree (case study)
top 5 apps
⚡️ the largest directory of tools on the web
💣 the self-hosted social media management solution
🪄 manage your email & SMS marketing in one tool
🔥 the better way to navigate YouTube
📩 place your Twitter cold DM outreach on autopilot
top video
why did Borders fail? click here
hope you found value in this newsletter 😊 how can we make it better?
thanks & have a great week ✌️